Approaching Food with Faith and Freedom
Hi there! My name is Joy and I love sharing how God transformed my overeating into an everyday, intimate friendship with Him.
Growing up, I loved to eat and it showed. Years later, I would learn how I’d used food to entertain and comfort myself when I felt lonely and bored. After years of yo-yo dieting, God showed me how He’d made my body and spirit to eat within my hunger and fullness cues and to go to Him to find real life and comfort. I’ve brought together the concepts He showed me into one powerful, life-changing course. Join me if you’d like to be set free from overeating. Release your food struggle to God and He will release you!
Words have the power to change our attitudes and renew our minds. From there, our actions can change as well. Check out these short articles for inspiration that will transform your daily habits.
Happy New Habits

Years of discovery and healing synthesized into seven, easy to remember steps for transformation.
In my late 20’s, my struggle with food came to a head. I’d swung between restricting my eating and mindless overeating so much that I landed myself in a counselor’s office. God then used support groups, prayer partners, helpful books written by various authors and many other professionals to set me free from my problem with food. The Releasity course brings these facets together to help women release their food problem to God and be released as a result.
“The Releasity course helped me break the connection between my painful emotions and my tendency to go to food for comfort. I learned that my ‘problem with food’ really had nothing to do with the food.”